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As you know, we have asked Holy Cow Consulting to help us with a survey to plan for our St Luke’s future. This tool will give us a comprehensive summary of the church and its needs, focusing on a new rector who would best be able to lead us.  In order for this survey to be effective, we need everyone in each household, including all family members over the age of 13, to take this assessment for our church community.  This survey can be taken online, using the link below.  A paper copy of the tool will be available in the office upon request.  All surveys are strictly anonymous.  Also, an email will come to all members with an email registered at St. Luke’s with the same link that is at the bottom of this letter. Please contact Beckie at the church office if your email has recently changed.

The survey will be available for three weeks, beginning on January 20th and ending on February 11.  It will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete and will need to be performed all at one time.  (unless using a paper copy)  It is mostly multiple choice with some open-ended questions, specific to our parish.  All  86 multiple choice questions need to be answered.  There is a “Don’t Know” option with most questions. The last 6 questions are only answered by one person in the household and pertain to household data.  This is explained in the survey instructions.

In addition to the 86 questions, there are four open-ended questions, written by the Search Committee.  There are also three categories of questions that pertain to critical ability, worship experience, and strategic planning which specifically address our most recent listening group concerns.  These questions are very valuable and will guide us in selecting our new rector.

Sound daunting?!  Not if you understand how important and useful this information will be in discovering who we are as a church body.  This is your chance to share your wisdom and opinions!  Remember the Search Committee is always available to answer any questions you might have.

A summary of the survey will be provided to us by Holy Cow Consulting and be available to all members.  The data will guide the Search Committee in writing a profile of our Church to be used as a recruitment and marketing tool for the future.

We are grateful to our hardworking, dedicated Search committee and to Peter Munson for his gentle guidance during this process.  Thank you ahead of time for your participation in this survey.  This is a very important time in our Church, as we find our next leader.