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In recognition of St. Luke's goal to foster the spiritual gifts and development of all disciples, we have a guest preacher this Sunday the 26th! Shannon Burke is a Postulant for Holy Orders in the Diocese of Utah who recently finished seminary and has taken her General Ordination Exams. Like our very own Pam Archbold, she is working toward ordination (although as a priest and not a deacon).

Just as we belong to a parish family, we also belong to a diocesan family. Making room for others to practice their skills in a supportive environment is an important way we can live as faithful members of the Body of Christ, building relationships as we go. We have an important role to play in the formation of our future clergy in the diocese.

I will still be present at both services to officiate, bless communion, and preside.

Please join me in welcoming Ms. Burke on Sunday and assist in her development as a priest by offering feedback that I can pass along.

With gratitude,

Reverend Ashley+