Gardeners are expected to maintain their plots weekly, including weeding, harvesting, and general maintenance.
It is important to pull weeds in your plot before they go to seed.
Weeds are considered trash and need to be packed out. Trash bags will be supplied in the shed.
Weeds within 12 inches of your raised bed are your responsibility to pull and dispose of in trash bags.
If you weed common walkways, this counts as volunteer time!
Community tools are located in the shed. Please return them after use and remember to lock the door.
Wheelbarrows will be kept by the shed.
All plots must be cleaned out by November 1st at the end of the season (remove dead plants, trellises, cages…, etc.).
There is no trash disposal in the garden. Please pack out all the trash. A dumpster is in front of the parking lot, where you may place garden waste.