Sunday - December 15th
7:45 AM: Holy Eucharist at the Church
9:00 AM: Advent Devotional
9:15 AM: Choir Rehearsal at the Church
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist at the Church
11:30 AM: Hospitality Hour
Monday - December 16th
6:30 PM: Women's Bible Study
Wednesday - December 18th:
4:00 PM: Beer & BS
Thursday - December 19th
Sunday - December 22nd
7:45 AM: Holy Eucharist at the Church
9:00 AM: Advent Devotional
9:15 AM: Choir Rehearsal at the Church
10:30 AM: Holy Eucharist at the Church
11:30 AM: Hospitality Hour
Altar Guild: 7:45 AM: Don & Leslie Wood 10:30 AM: Myra Herzog, Kate May, Iris Thompson
Sub-Deacon: Greg Murray
Lay reader: 10:30 AM - Luisa Diaz-Hill
Micah 5:24-5a, Luke 1:46-55 Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1:39-45
Crucifer:Jim Jennings
Chalice Bearers: Roger & Harriet Stephens
Prayers of the People: 10:30 AM - Harriet Stephens
Vestry Person: Jim Pignatelli
Tellers: Ruby Diaz, Linda Dugins
Usher / Greeter: Teresa McMillan, Anne Bransford
Sound Technician: Don Wood
Video Recorder: Barry Heywood
Hospitality Hour: Nickerson Family